>>8782095>the whole movie is really just a string of plot conveniencesThis was before they realized that kids and adults would give a Da Garn (good show, it's all on youtube).
I guess we could say/assume that a lot of wounds happened in the middle of the battle, off-camera. I know poor guys like Red Alert and others died in the storyboard, but never made it to the movie. Think Shockwave and the coneheads died in the Unicron battle, but I could be confusing the former with the comic telling of the movie. Pic related is probably nicer.
>Ultra Magnus gets killed to death by being torn limb from limbThe original script had him being torn by Sweep lassos, which presumably made it a bit easier for the Junkions to fix him up.
>Logic and reason can only carry you so far any way, Prime died to make you buy the toy; Hot Rod gets the hate for a marketing decision because he's a lightning rod for cockups.You're not wrong! Probably similar to "writing dictated it", people's opinions on Optimus or Hot Rod are likely not to change that much with this 40-year old argument. Hot Rod's coolness and character development made me underappreciate team dad, but all the shit Optimus went through in IDW and Marvel has him now as a contender to get into my top 5, albeit a top 5 Hot Rod's already in.
>tfw Hot Rod further got shat on in that one "what if" comic even further, even though the premise was "what if Hot Rod didn't kill Optimus teehee".aaaaaaa
Also I think my "love bots that people hate" trend started with Hot Rod... it's like unlocking a repressed memory
>He's also responsible for Kiss Players, so let that sink in too.U-uh
>tfw mad continuity notes and ties and additions on one end, what Kiss Players is notorious for on the otheruhhhhhh