Wow, I went to sleep not thinking this thread would get so many responses. Or any.
>>8296809Yeah honestly I've never held one IRL I've only seen youtube videos, so it is definitely possible that I could see one of these things and hate it. That's why I'd like to start with a cheaper one first and see if I like it. It might feel too dead in which case yes I probably wouldn't keep it, but yeah idk all I can say is ovaries and hormones are one helluva drug and holding babies makes me feel really good and this seems like a good way to get a bit of that without the other parts before I'm ready.
>>8296857I have a dog, and a snake. I love taking care of my animals, but right now in my life I'm trying to move out and establish my own life and build up my business and I can't take on the financial responsibility and risk of any more pets, let alone a real baby. I love caring for animals though and it's one of the reasons I know I'd be a good mom one day, when I'm in a better position for it.
>>8297031I have a long term relationship with an amazing man and we're very happy. We always talk about our future together and having a family and pregnancy/impregnation is one of the main things we dirty talk about so it's going to happen some day, but we need to get a place together and set up our lives first.
>>8297655I think people should have dolls of whatever they want as long as no real people are victimized anywhere along the way.
>>8297829That sounds amazing, can't wait to get there myself. Enjoy these times when they're small and cute as much as you can!