>>6276737>in realityanyone that actually fought on foot didn't wear all the shit you see in video games and stuff like 4H's figures.
There were no fucking duels in full plate unless horses were involved.
Sorry dude, but you're just repeating a myth that not even fantasy writers perpetuate.
Here's what professional soldiers wore. Highly paid mercenaries who knew how to get shit done. Notice how they only keep the plate for vitals and some weak points like the knees.
Combined with that pole arm, it's almost like they know how to out maneuver knights, unhorse them, and rip into their armor.
>the lung expansion limits are minimal since you should be wearing a gambeson in addition to padding sewn onto the armor which would allow comfortable movement.How dumb.
Once you start adding actual armor over it, its going to start restricting your breathing too, just like kelvar with plates in it (which is far less heavy than medieval shit).