>>9930790I think this would be a great design for filling in the origin of She-Ra. They didn't bother to do consistent worldbuilding: the Sword of Protection has been in Castle Grayskull since Teela-Na was 15 years old, yet the stone set where the blade meets the guard can only be repaired by the fire spirits of the First Ones in Etheria's underworld, implying they made that.
So I'd like to see a first Princess of Power. Maybe the First Ones were Eternian astronauts and she protected Etheria in their time with a modified second Power Sword, but there was a "Recall" spell to Castle Grayskull if the owner died with it rather than passing it to a successor.
Light Hope did say "Welcome She-Ra, Princess of Power, long have I waited for you", which is otherwise just fantasy mentor word salad.