>>9994701>And comparing him to Wreck-Gar makes this comparison even more embarrassing because that's actually a good use of robot mode parts to make a bike that looks like a bike and not a dude folded up poorly with massive gaping holes all over it.Wreck-Gar is a bigger bot with a larger budget - and he STILL needs to partsform to accomplish his transformation, while Iguanus can make a simplified approximation without it for a much smaller character wit ha cheaper budget. Your argument makes Wreck-Gar the embarrassment here.
>The entire back end is a series of gaps and holes where it looks like they simply didn't know what to do with half of the body. I would've preferred it looking more like the G1 toy compared to what we got with how fucking weird and gappy it is.There's exactly ONE gap on his back end, and it's unavoidable due to the transformation scheme - but guess SAME PLACE, and the only reason his isn't as visible is because his partsforming wheels allowed for the rear tire to be placed higher. Again, Iguanus is a smaller bot with a smalelr budget and doesn't rely on partsforming to fill gaps like the 'better' bike former.
>That entire paragraphNow you're strawmanning. Obviously they needed to be bigger than Headmasters so make them actually playable, but in-universe I have no problem with them being able to fit in Optimus' cab. If scale was that important to you, you shouldn't be displaying Cheetor with Prowl period, because there IS supposed to be a size difference there. No reason why you can't keep your BW characters in one display, your normal G1 guys in another, and your Pretenders in their own.
>Fuck's sake at least argue for all Pretenders to be the same scale instead of several at legends and most likely more coming at deluxe.I literally did - did you not read the part where I said "I prefer my Pretenders to be Core class" and 'They scale with Beast Wars basics'? I think making Skullgrin a Deluxe was a mistake - he's too big.