7. The Jaguar Warrior's nonsense shield design in the "before" version was replaced by a real shield design, one version of the Cuexyo pattern, which is a fairly common design, with a feather mosaic front surface that has a band of gold or copper or bronze plates, and crescent nose rings (associated with pulque gods, who in turn were often associated with the Huastec civilization, hence Cuexyo, which basically just means "Huastec style")
8. The Jaguar Warrior's helmet was changed slightly in the revision to have colored lips and extra carved fangs on the bottom (closer to some actual depictions of jaguar helmets, tho I don't think the feedback given asked them to do that), and the eye was turned into a eye-star glyph, a common motif seen in Mesoamerican art and sometimes used as literal eyes in depictions of creatures or deities. The feather plume on the back was left unchanged since even though it's exaggerated in size in the art, the helmets did have attached quetzallalpiloni tassels
9. The Macuahuitl was altered in the Jaguar Warrior art to be more accurate, based on some examples with a engraved or painted "S" accent seen in the Glasgow Manuscript version of the Lienzo de Tlaxcala (see pic, note this depicts Tlaxcalteca armies allied with the Spanish doing conquests with them: the Tlaxcalteca were Nahuas, so "culturally aztec", but politically were enemies of the Aztec empire).. I don't think the feedback actually suggested changing the Macuahuitl at all and the Glasgow manuscript is fairly obscure so I'm not quite sure why/how this change was made. There is some artwork of the Glasgow Manuscript style Macuahuitls in some art by Adam Hook for Osprey publishing which can be found online all over the place so maybe the artist just referenced that when revising the other things.