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Alright, got Tapigal and Genbu put together over the past couple hours, pretty simple...
Tapigal is the best constructed snail shell girl so far, her wrists and elbows don't feel like they are about to destroy themselves, though her elbows are misaligned preventing her arms from straitening. The guns are a mixed bag, although the pieces have undergates that doesn't matter when the pieces don't go all the way together in the first place, people who care about the seam lines will have to do alot of work to get them flush. Tapigirl does commit the biggest sin of a figure unfortunately, she doesn't have a stand hole...
Genbu is the best dta body by far. There is a bit of issue getting the thighs to completely cover the joints, but the setup is great. Even with the front cloth in the way the legs can still get very good range. That she has a hip joint is also a big win, in conjunction with the rare non-paralyzed upper torso joint she can get some pretty nice poses. She has a wrist swivel, that is a nice surprise.
Action base 6 is pretty alright. Its a bit wonky because of the way its assembled and how the tension on the joints work but it does its job satisfactorily. Especially since SOMEONE didn't include a damn stand hole...