>>6379354I think what makes the vidya figma including the souls ones especially attractive is because you didn't just watch them like some cutie anime girls.
You WERE them. Or you fought them to the death. Those weapons and pieces of gear were your faithful companions in a challenging game without a billion checkpoints and the toggle to easy option. The lore was a cherry on top that made you even more attached to those things.
If I had a Havel figma I'd remember all those fun times I had as a fucking Havelmonster(tm). Cheesing in the PvP arenas (lvl 650 vs lvl 120 pairing totally legit) and tanking the shit out of bosses alike. We probably all tried on the signature Elite Knight, Faraam, Hunter or whatever outfits at one time or another and we remember.
If I had the fume sword I'd remember the story behind it and the rough time soloing the boss with a 93% fail rate to get it.
Shit that's hard earned and helped you survive brutal bosses or attempted gankings grow on you more. Some helper NPCs who were part of that slog become memorable too like Solaire.