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With previous figures for comparison. My normal Sonics are in my office so Super will have to do.
As the previous anon mentioned, their heads are hollowed but that's good since they're not top heavy.
With the exception of Mr.Eggman, everyone has these awful ball joints similar to the Deluxe figures. Their range is limited due to the sculpt, and they're so loose that they easily rotate the limbs all over when posing. Enjoy accidentally ending up with backwards knees and elbows when trying to hone something in.
I can't get this fuck to stand straight. The way his ankles go into his foot makes it impossible so I have to have him in some form of action pose. Nice detail on the shoes and gloves at least.
Arms are cool but Nine himself might as well be a fucking brick. He has no range on anything outside of his elbows, but that suffers from the general joint issues everyone has with their dumb ball joints. His knees might as well have no articulation because his shorts makes it impossible.
My favorite sculpt, but unfortunately it gets in the way of articulation
The best figure. Fun to pose, most balanced, least hindered. His knees are double jointed instead of the stupid ball joint everyone uses. Shame it's wasted on this design.