>>9462530I'm just annoyed that bamco seems to believe the only way to sell OG things is with nostalgia for PTs that are over 20 years old and don't appear as anything more than low effort lip service. There are dozens of cool amazing mecha from all of the GBA, DS and PS2 games that have nothing, all of the new exciting originals and Lion variants, all missing any kind of merch. All we get is the same Cybuster/Huckebein/Alt recycled ad nauseum. We'll theoretically be going into 3rdOG with no RaiOh, no Werkbau or Dis Astranagant, nothing. Hell we'll be lucky to get Gespys with their OG design and not the classic one where the arm pikes are a jet magnum instead of beam sabers. Hell despite all of this they refuse to make Grungust toys too, despite throwing them out for cheap nostalgia grabs in the recent games too.