Since there was no objection in the previous thread, let me break down the process used in deciding the /m/ groupbuilds and how /toy/ can theoretically be incorporated into the upcoming 16th Groupbuild.
We've passed the part where we vote on what everyone's favorite entry was in the previous groupbuild (Mecha Musume) and have just started the process of deciding which theme will be used for the next build. The polling structure is pretty straightforward
>The Gunpla General suggests themes to vote on in the thread>The most feasible options are taken and included into a poll that lets votes choose which theme(s) they like the most>The five themes with the most votes move onto a final poll where you can only choose one of the options. >The winner of that poll becomes the new theme for the next several monthsIt's a bit late for suggesting any other ideas for the poll since the suggestion to include you guys came a bit after I collected the theme ideas, but there's a little over 20 ideas in here so there might be something that aligns with your interests in the /m/ threads I do these polls on a thread-by-thread basis with the deadline for votes being whenever a new thread's made (Roughly 2 days per thread). Rather than using /m/'s thread speed (Which may be too fast for /toy/) or /toy/'s thread speed of roughly 1 thread per week (Which may be too slow for /m/) as a deadline, I'll use the median and go with 3 days for each polling period to ensure people from both threads are able to vote. AKA, you've got until the 5th of July to vote on your favorite themes. On the 6th I'll post the results to that and provide the followup poll.
If you've got any questions relating to the groupbuilds that /m/ has done over the years just shoot me a question.