>>7724351>Think the main reason Halo weapons are available in large numbers is the Chinese got their hands on a lot of old surplus figs with their weapons, and have been selling them separately.Actually it's because they have the molds.
If you have anything made in China, you can be certain that it will at least be copied; No scruples when it comes to Copyrights means they'll either reproduce your molds and patterns or just straight up keep using the ones you gave them "on their own" time/dime in extra bulk.
It's why this type of "Counterfeiting" is nigh impossible to stop unless you want to pull a Bandai and literally go to war on/over injection molds.
>>7724653>I can get a small bundle of figures, but with basically no weapons, so was hoping there'd be a way to get weapons. But yeah what you said is basically how i feared/figured it was.Ironically it's the paint applications on the Destiny Weapons that make them less bootleg-able; The painting is a much more involved and expensive process than just churning out homogeneous, mono-colored bits of plastic, so no one is able to mass-reproduce those accessories and make a profit.