>>7287618>using a single spot at different angles of the figure to test the colors from a wider shothahahhahahaahahahhahahhahahahahaahha
Wow, how stupid do you think people are that won't call you on your bullshit?
Or are you that stupid that you think a single spot will prove anything?
There's a reason why i took multiple sample spots from different areas, because it's a 3d object. Not a fucking flat shaded animation cell.
If you even bothered to run through the entire area, you'd see how the same parts of the same molded piece will have different colors/values. This is going to be true even for simple colored matte colored plastic, because it's a 3d object in the real world.
The numbers are never going to be exact, but should be within the same range as each other.
Fucking 2d thinking retard.