Old Thread:
>>5490281A good handful of new stuff is hitting stores/online and I thought it'd be nice to have a fresh thread to discuss it, even with the old thread only just having hit bump limit.
Out now:
Bat Gremlin
Aliens Series 7
Ultimate Striker Eureka
All up for purchase on the NECA store of course, but also some on TRU's site.
The AvP aliens are up on TRU currently, but no concept Big Chap. No Kratos either, though I imagine he won't be too far behind. And then you've got the Bat Gremlin slated for a Feb 24th appearance.
Toy Fair showed us a small glimpse of the future. There's a ton of cool shit coming, may God have mercy on our wallets. There's a lot of surprises headed our way too, if all the teasing and hinting from the Pixel Dan video is to be believed.