It's fair to say after the over-design of the initial wave they are going back to the original models but I really wish they could find a middle ground. Some of these are too beholden to the originals and just look too dated for me, but I know a lot of you want these faithful replicas so more power to ya.
>>9639815Not much to her
>>9639818I know Dusty has a following but yeah I would have loved a modern operator version.
>>9639848There are going to sculpt his buttons...right?
>>9639852polite pass
>>9639874NOT a fan of Tiger Force deco but on him it actually works. looks like they took a little inspiration Jessie Ventura in Predator
>>9639879Fuck this retarded asshole, where is Zap?!?
>>9639903I did NOT expect HIM....but ok.
>>9639912>So would you have updated him?Abso-fuckin-lutely...but I know he has his fans and I can always pop his head off and put him on a business suited body. This makes me wonder if they are willing to do THIS design are goofballs like Raptor and Crystal Ball in the future?
>>9639958That guy is trying WAY too hard
Looks like a little bit for everybody, which ain't bad.