>>7841815I think it's more versatile and usually visually pleasing, if the sculpt hides the cut lines well. Also very reminiscent of old school Monoshaft Drive Yamaguchi robots (pic related) or early Revoltechs, where his action figures were meant to end up like.
Great summation. 08 ICC is most likely AY style (they vary too anyways). IDK if the improved 2nd 05 was ever reissued...maybe because at the largest she was only in scale with the Revoltech Minuature Evas. A shame, I think it wasn't difficult to make 05 in scale if they ditched the option parts, especially back then before insane inflation. Maybe new Bandai will as RD or plamo since they're crazy sometimes. 05 Revos both were single revo joint at top of each leg.