>>11236897>>11236896I'm in a discord for afol investors and i've been studied them for 1.5 years already (at first i was thinking it's a discord for lego fans and then understood it's all investors that flex with shit ton of black boxes like those reddit normies and decided to blend in to study their mind).
What i learned so far:
1) Lego is a STATUS thing for afols. Like an expensive car or a pretty wife with big titties.
You failed if you look at this hobby as at a "toy that is fun".
Lego for afols is like...hmmm...how do i explain this.
Back in the day (60-80s) it was popular to have rich bookshelves. And it went so retarded that people were selling FAKE bookshelves that looked like they filled with fake but expensive books.
Or people even were hiring and paying for people to "build a bookshelves" for them so they will be sure to have an expensive bookshelf.
So when their normie friends would come in -they will say "OH WOW...IS THAT....??" looking at that bookshelf.
Thinking that the person who owns it is a smart and sophisticated and rich person.
2) Building your own stuff with bricks or buying kids stuff (non-afol lego) is like...
It's like if you are poor person and instead of buying a cool expensive table you built it yourslf using wood planks.
They look down on such things because building something out of blocks is childish and nerdy.