>>7544132Great stuff. I would love to join as well but I am trying to learn how to program in C++ and modelling (soon) with some online courses. Hopefully that I can become less of a codelet or 3Dlet soon.
Also, do you (or whoever does that in the project) model each piece and then assemble them later? Because that seems like a lot of work specially with the Rahi.
>>7544159Sounds an awful lot like the "Sheev wasn't evil, he was trying to strengthen the Galaxy against the Vongs invasion" with the exception that the GB have been mentioned several times even in the first years.
And now that I think of it. how come the Matoran of Voya Nui fell for the Piraka ruse when they had a fucking GB among them? Did the rest of Voyatorans took Velika as some sort of lunatic or he just forgot how Toa were supposed to look like?