>>6288104>The people chosen to get the first hands on experiences with these figures should be the ones that would make them look their best.Hahahah, nope.
Sorry, but have you seen their pictures?
It's very obvious the guys who got samples are NOT marketing guys. Again, they're completely random people and they're obvious people who spent a lot of money to get samples in the first place.
People who pay extra money to get first dibs and bragging rights aren't smart people, and it shows since samples like they are usually flawed anyway.
Seriously, who the fuck pays for fucking samples?
Anyway, you don't fucking hype up production errors. This is why almost every single company who even talks about their samples being rejected don't post 3908234 images of them. You hear them talk about how QC wasn't up to snuff or pieces were misapplied, but that's about it and MAYBE some low resolution 2004 cellphone camera quality numbnailed sized images.
Here's how professionals do it:
https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/813878470/boss-fight-studios-vitruvian-hacks-action-figures/updates>As a result, the set looks a bit hodge-podged and we don't want to give the impression that this is the look that will be even close to what the production set will be. When we have a finalized, correctly run colored sample, we'll do a quick update with good photos So the fact that you WANT them to take professional quality photos of REJECTED figures shows that you're as bad or worse than the people you're speaking ill of.