So I may as well butt in and put in my two cents here and reply to a few statements said in the last couple of posts.
>originally the whole pushing of /m/ groupbuild on /toy/ was to flex/show /m/ superiorityThis was never my intention at all, it was to see if people here were interested in participating since at the time I first started making them a cross-board thing the last time /toy/ had done a Groupbuild of their own that had more than two entries was like two years ago. Plus Gelgoog Guy himself basically said "Yeah I don't know what else to do at this point" in regards to doing more on here. It was never about going "Heh, look at how cool OUR stuff is", but rather "Hey do you guys wanna join in on our fun?". Since the archive was brought up I took the liberty of posting my exact posts when I asked both /toy/ and /m/ about the idea of cross-board Groupbuilds.>"tribal autists"Every board has their fair share of autists/shitposters who shit on other boards (Be it /m/fags shitting on /toy/ or /toy/fags shitting on /m/), this has been a thing all the way back to everyone hating on /b/. Yes it sucks but that's just modern site culture for you.
>it's 1 or 2 shitposters from /m/ who want to turn the /toy/ threads to shit so people migrate to /m/, when anyone with half a brain already uses both threads. I honestly don't see why anyone wouldn't use both threads considering both cover pretty much the exact same content. Sure one is 3 times faster than the other but Plamo content is Plamo content.
Either way, I never meant any ill will when I suggested that you guys participate in these builds. If shitposters want to use the builds that come out of it for target practice then that's on them and out of my control, but I don't do these to show off how much better one board is to the other. I do it cause I think both boards have ideas that are worth sharing.