>>11179107>Yea the first few waves had issues, but the vast majority outside of Poxxus have been fantasticFuck off, dude.
4H has ALWAYS had a QC problem and you guys have been trying to downplay it and deflecting criticism about it since forever.
The fact is, they've been losing their fanbase ever since wave 2 or 3, when we started noticing the same issues pop up and/or new issues popping up. Before, almost everything sold out in HOURS. Then stock kept re-appearing a year later, despite previously being said to ahve sold out. So 4H has been lying to drive up sales through FEAR OF MISSING OUT for close to a decade. These threads used to be as popular as the Marvel LEgends threads until 2018 or 2019, and the last time we had a poster count, we were averaging ~50 posters.
The past year has gotten even worse in terms of shitty plastics and other QC issues, hence their last sales doing poorly. They can't even do FOMO anymore, because there's too much stock going unsold. It's obvious they lost way more customers thanks to their fuck ups and poor customer service.
pic of the paint rubbing issues that lasted 4 years. FOUR fucking years, but that's mostly thanks to how slow 4H is to release anything, thanks to their interest free loans model by begging to their fanbase to produce anything, because no bank will trust them with an actual loan.