>>5410289>>5410296>>5410307>>5410319>>5410324>>5410332>>5410335>>5410344If I may offer my personal thoughts. Lego had the last laugh. Blizz needed NEW EVERYTHING, Lego wanted to make it fit in with their stuff. So the companies went in different directions. MegaBloks Warcraft died. But Lego gave us their version of WoW Lego anyway.
>Chima: Classic minifigs with new head molds (with classic heads underneath) - covered both bases, what lego wanted (adult fans/purists can swap helmets) plus what Blizz wanted (unique new molds). Would have worked as a compromise. Chima sets:
Good guy lions (alliance human), VS bad guy greenskins (orcs). Wolf guys are in a sort of alliance with crocs with their own agenda (forsaken).
Maybe other vague matches. Gorillas are savage race with thing for hammers (tauren+dorf?) Etc.
Anyway. Expansion 1 (Wave 2 sets): Literally called outland, going to new land to find bug monsters.
Expansion 2 (Wave 3): Northrend, enemies are frost/ice themed undead zombie monsters.
And now Nexo knights, where Deathwing's human form (Moltor [with spiky shoulders] + General Magmar's Jaw piece) leads the fel orcs to war in the latest expansion, warlords of lavaworld. (/Burning Crusade).
The main difference? Every Chima Tribe and even the Lava armies have female characters. Megabloks never even finished making the playable races, nevermind female versions of the ones they had (Minus Jaina and possibly NElf?)
Anyway. We already have WoW Lego. And it's awesome.