>>11271696>What country are you located in? I've been keeping my eye on Australian ebay for nexo lots since I saw you posting a few weeks ago, but I haven't found anything too exciting yet. Maybe my I'm being unreasonable with prices. What kind of prices are you pay? I've never tried Nexo but I'd like to at least for the meme value.I'm from europe so i guess it's easier. Because im basically having a few different countries to support my nexo autism (i also got Chima and Galaxy Squad sets for cheap using the same ebay).
I usually get sets from Germany France and Italy. Lots of parents don't give a fuck and just want to get rid of all that "junk" i guess.
At this point these waves seem to be forgotten because lego fans focus on new FOMO stuff and newest popular licensed themes.
So we - Nexo/Chima/Galaxy/Monsterfighter chads eating good!
Also you have to be a nolifer and check ebay literally few times a day. This how i got that insane lot with Jestro's Castle/Black Knights/etc lot for 50euros and picrelated set for 35 uros because it was smashed and dirty (but when i opened it -all bags were perfect and selaed!)
Hidden Side is an ULTIMATE sleeper theme right now i think.
i saw that Monster School for less than 40-50 eur few times but didnt buy it because im focusing on other themes.
nobody wants hidden side even for super discounts despite it having insanely cool sets...