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Newest haul from the past two weeks!
G2 'Greymon' Grimlock (who I am now calling 'Greylock'), RID Towline, Nacelle, the Jungle Mission 3-pack, the Deadeye Duel 2-pack, AOE Minicon Sling, and (not pictured, because I couldn't fit them all in the same shot) SG Rodimus and Sideswipe with Whisper. I'm just going to do a quick list of impressions instead of a review:
>Nothing new with SG Sideswipe other than the cool sculpted slash on his chest and shock sword things.
>Whisper is awesome - he's a decently articulated little bot with a nice looking alt mode.
>Never got the Hot Rod mold (I wasn't a fan of the original character), so Rodimus is my first experience with it. The shoudlers are a bit stiff looking and should have been spaced further apart, but otherwise he's not bad. I wish there was somewhere to store his Matrix.
>Nothing to say about 'Greylock', other than he's my favorite colored version of this mold so far. Still wish he had his sword, but it's not an issue. I like that they actually made his neck clear thid time so you can see the sculpted details inside.
>Towline is identical to Scraphook, so nothing too special - I love his neon color scheme, though, and you can come kinda close to his old toy by rearranging his pipes.
>Nacelle's colorscheme is awesome, but otehrwise he's just another Siege Seeker; I have no idea why they didn't try modifying the Ramjet mold for him so he'd have his V-TOL wings.
>Airazor is great - I love her bird mode far more than her Kingdom and SS versions, even if she can't fold her wings this time. Robot mode is fun, too, and feels far less boxy than her previous versions.
>Mirage was surprisingly fun. Nice looking car mode, decent robot mode with good articulation, and his back kibble isn't overly-horrendus.
>Sling is Sling. My obsession with this little dragon mold is getting out of hand...