>>8997791Depends on the model.
I like that new truck but my chances of getting it are probably astronomically low.
I will say one of the few times they do it right was with the 05-06 X-Raycer models.
Either being some take on a Tooned' casting or just using the idea of a see-through car for simple yet visually pleasing fantasy models.
Nowadays they just slap anything transparent and half the time it's either electric junk or it's not very charming.
Same shit goes for Super Chromes, cool idea but hyper gawdy on average. Like look at pic related, I hate the windshield being chrome with the body, like if they were gonna cheap out and make it the same as the body, could they have atleast thought to use it in the X-Raycers instead? It's also like when they make windows metal like the body, it's cheap and looks tacky with a side of unappealing.