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This is the only one I've ever bought for myself. It's alright, nothing amazing about it. It doesn't have the dead eyes that look soulless, so that's a plus for me. Of course, if I had known I'd be having issues with toy storage and toy displaying years later, I'd have avoided buying it, along with a few other things I didn't need. But if they ever bothered to make a Pop of one of the better Green Lanterns, I'd buy that without any remorse.
Had a coworker who was obsessed with The Little Mermaid to the point she spent over $100 on some two pack of Ariel and Eric in their wedding attire or some nonsense. Apparently it's exclusive, but I don't know anything about it.
I get why a lot of people hate them and I get why people like them, but having the dame thread on a regular basis just seems pointless. There's nothing new to be said, so why bother?