Previous Thread:
>>10068553Newer News:
- Origins Eternia Playset coming soon to Mattel Creations order date 10/12 with King Grayskull (Rev ver) as week 1 backer exclusive for about SIX HUNDRED DOLLARS SHIPPED
- DX King Hiss and Thunder Punch He-Man up for preorder on Entertainment Earth
- Snake Men wave live on gamestop and EE w/ Rattlor, Kobra Khan, Snake armor He-Man, and Bolt Man
- Walmart has preorder live for Mekaneck and Road Ripper
-bbts and other sites have the Origins wave with Randor, Whiplash, Digitino, and Comic Trapjaw
- Target now stocking the Sun Man 3 pack
- motu bear bricks
- origins whiplash wave in stock at bbts
- mcx multi pack with orko shipping
- movie He-man and Skeletor revealed
News from. Previous Thread:
MCX Battle for Eternia II coming soon with Orko, Whiplash, and Wun-Dar
- Camo Khan Origins TBA
- He-Man origins 40th Ann pack with Origins styled Filmation, NA, Mike Young, and Netflix He-Man with chrome swords order date TBA
- Skeleton soldiers TBA
- Motu x FallGuys tba
- Target Exclusive Sun Man available MCX Snake Mountain and New Adventures He-Man
- Snake Men Origins wave: Snake Armor He-Man, Bolt Man, Kobra Khan (no gimmick, just effect piece), and Rattlor (rattle, but no springload strike gimmick, just extra neck parts)
- Netflix Mer-Man, Hordak, Skeletor on “Battle Bones”, “Stridor” and Moss Man revealed
- Origins leak list: Spikor, Sssqueeze, Snake Trooper, Snake Teela, Serpent Claw MAA, 200X “Rando”
Discord: Question:
What's your opinion on Mattel Creations Eternia?