>>7554649>What about Genji for storylame story. Generic "muh bros fighting, omg i kill muh bro...omg :(" story
I dislike both-genji and hanzo.
In the game both of these characters connected to the worst fucking gamers.
>genji = whiny retard that whines in teamchat all the time. no not about healing - genjimains are usually whiny in general>hanzo = fucking self-centered twatIm playing Overwatch from open Beta days and i have 500 hours on my main and around 100 hours on sub-mains.
Im connected to the game way too hard to tolerate figures of characters i fucking cant stand.
The only good people in the game are
>1) based Tank Main>2) based "defense class" (they merged with attackers now) - torbjorn that wrecks shit in Master and dont join team chat because he knows he wont be tolerated, Junkrat and Symmetra - those three outcast players are great to have if they dont suck by skill level but im from master so they usually good>3) rare dps-mains. Mostly Mccree, Sombra and Soldier>4) most of healers are whiny pussies or girl-gamers. But Lucio mains are awesome.