In case the toys' superpowers, guns, tech, character abilities all worked exactly like in their canon, the strategy was so much simpler
>early on it was simple sharpshooter/gunner toy units, strategic positioning around the room, dominating the high ground etc>as i learned more about Goku, Thanos, Superman, and other absurdly overpowered characters everything changed>i studied the most powerful characters in major franchises.>for example in 2005 i got the diamond select thanos w/ infinity gauntlet, way before MCU even existed>collection gradually became mostly supervillains>fantasized about my toys hijacking an 18-wheeler truck filled with literally 20,000 Marvel Universe 3.75-inch Thanos w/ Infinity Gauntlet figures, then taking over entire galaxies IRLto give you an idea of my level of autism i was 100% convinced in 2012 that my half-dozen Thanos w/ Infinity Gauntlet figures caused the NY Giants to win the Super Bowl because i had them all in a circle raising their arms up in the air lending Eli Manning their power
this was my relationship with toys for 30 years and still ongoing in some form