>>7768305Shes beautiful! Some people boil wash their dolls by heating up water in the microwave or on the stove. I don't get why they don't just run the boiling hot tap directly on the hair for a few seconds.
For me their are three levels of hair repair.
Level 1) If the hair is new or somewhat new just brush it or run fingers down it until she perfect.
Level 2) Run hot tap water on hair for a few seconds, shapoo it, and brush hair in sections while working my way from the tip to the scalp. Wash out shampoo and brush until the brush doesn't get stuck in tangled hair anymoe, than let it air dry
Level 3) Repeat Level 2 a few times and bring in some conditioner if the hair is in pretty bad shape, but the doll is rare and too awesome to give up on.
A friendly tip. Don't hold on to the doll by the dolls body while shampooing, and brushing . This may cause the head to become forever wobbly, and in one case where I was really struggling with some stubborn hair the neck broke, and the head went flying into the air!
Always hold the doll by it's head while brushing out the hair. It's harder that way, but you don't risk wrecking the whole doll.