>now introducing brittle and exploding plastic for your building pleasure!Ok kotobukiya. It didn't crack or snap, it just fucking exploded twice sending the bits across the room with little to no pressure.
Nevertheless the rest is quite pleasing and fast to build,I almost finished it in just three afternoons ready for paint and know I'm just sanding some parts flush and fucking around with leds. I'm not sure if the subject of this project is for this thread tho
>>7419711Well, "works on my machine" but I see that those can be changed """easily""" while out of focus/angles and stuff like that is not. I'll fuck around more when I take the next final pics if I can borrow a dslr again and have more time to play with it.
>>7427385Cute plane and that guy's history and shenanigans are pretty baller, nowadays this kind of shit doesn't happen anymore.
>that viggenEvery time. Do you have the color refs at hand (I can google them but this would be faster I guess)? So far I'm 90% sold in doing something close swedish pattern and colors but I'm not sure if I should use one type for the vehicle and other for the troops or make use of another palette.
I'm going to paint the tank with plain olive drab for now as there's a lot of parts that get covered using it as the base color "that the factory delivered them"