>>6624590I wouldn't care that she's a celebrity doll but that's just the most bleergggh of costumes. I know they already did a Juliet and Swan Lake ballet Barbies, but it would have been nicer to see the Copeland doll in one of those since they (moreso than Firebird) are considered her better/notable roles. Then again they did make that "Firebird" book with her, and the doll was designed to be a pink label product mostly aimed at little girls, so I guess I can see why they'd rather go with the bold, active costume than something like Juliet's blue dress in ABT's production...
>>6624608The faces on the newer collector ballet Barbies are, to me, are super gorgeous! I think I just prefer the more romantic style tutus and ballet costumes. Also wow, great find!
Hopefully we will. Took her to see a Snow White ballet this past spring and she was enamored.