>>6142657Frame Arms Girl essentially has no established canon as stated on official channels by Kotobukiya. To translate a tweet I can't grab at the moment since it's been long since buried, "The girls can be 15cms tall or 15 meters tall, the manga and anime is just one of many settings they could be in."
Whereas Megami Device have a VERY explicit setting as 14cm mini gynoids that are produced in year 2046 to year 2047 (the years increse as real life years increase) that help people in homes as well as even having a battle game system that their owners pit them in along with a canonized battle point system. All of that info is available on
megamidevice.com, albeit not a lot of it is translated yet. Though I can assure you there are people getting on that. I'm personally sitting on a few unit summary scripts for WISM and the unit summary for the first SOL unit was posted last thread as was the translation for the stat chart.