long post, but need some questions to be answered
i had these sanding sticks with me for a very long time and wanted to clean them. i assumed i just needed to dunk them in water to clean it, but 2 of the 4 seemed to be "melting", the grit being washed away while the other 2 are completely fine(the orange and blue in the pic related are the ones melting). was this a terrible thing to do and something to avoid or was there just something wrong with those 2 in particular
since i dont know the grit to these sanding sticks, wanted to get some sand paper/ sanding sticks from 500-1000ish grit. i can only eyeball the ones i have. should i bite the bullet and buy some tamiya/mr hobby sandpaper or are these fine alternatives
https://www.amazon.ca/Squadron-Products-SQ30506-Value-Sanding/dp/B000CDR5K8/ref=sr_1_cc_2?s=aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1503897015&sr=1-2-catcorr&keywords=sanding+sticksor are there other brands you recommend