>>7763725>Is the base price getting higher over the year?Yeah basically all assembled toys of certain complexity have gone up in prices by factor of 2 or 3, without any real changes to construction. Main reason is the wages of factory workers in China going up drastically.
That Eva is okay, first modern engineering Eva Revoltech we got in years and comes with cool weapons, but the face could be rough. Eyes are tiny straight white lines so looks funny. Natayanagi Eva-01 looks better so far but not sure if it's worth the higher price, not out yet so final product might turn out shitty.
Surely with the last movie on the way we'll get a bunch of new Eva Revoltechs and since those will likely be produced in higher quantities the price might be more reasonable. Evas from an old novel spinoff or a sword exhibit are pretty niche even for such a popular property.