>>6504473My personal review of all the molds, from the experience of having owned at least one version of each at some point and still having a couple around:
>Binoculars (Longview / Farsight)Cool robot design and the binoculars themselves are neat but there's something about how plain they look that never really clicked for me. Still, I would say Longview is worth it for how rare it is to have a yellow movie figure that isn't Bumblebee.
>Cellphones (Highline / Speed Dial / Wire Tap)Great mold all around, the cellphones look like realistic mid-2000s flip phones and the drone-eyed robots are incredibly adorable.The transformation is a little rudimentar but that's hardly a detractor. Highline probably has the best deco, but the other two still look great.
>Compact camera (Spy Shot / Photon)Literally one of the greatest "Basic-sized" figures ever made. The camera looks great, the unsymmetrical transformation is absurdly genius and god, that bizarre but nonetheless beautiful retro-ish robot design, it's just glorious. Spy Shot looks the best as a robot but Photon feels slightly more realistic as a camera, even though they both could easily pass off as actual compact point-and-shoots at first glance.
>Watch (Meantime / Midnighter)Interesting transformation and lots of poseability, but the overall design of both modes feels a little bland for me. imho, they could both be passed, although I do know they have a "micro appreciation fanbase" of sorts which would argue otherwise.
>MP3 player (Night Beat / Booster)The MP3 player is easily the most lazy design in the entire subline but the Lazerbeak-based robots are pretty much perfect. Night Beat is negligible but Booster is totally worth getting, he even has a decent amount of articulation in his feet and wings.