>>8211411I think it would be safe to assume so. I was actually thinking about a couple weeks ago when I was wondering about the possibility of Cat replacing Scarlet Sonic as the combined form's head/arms. Assuming the gimmick will be exactly like the art:
1. Cat's legs must detach, there's no way the panties can be lowered around those huge paw feet.
2. The panties aren't bulky enough to covering full size hips, and removing them to reveal undersized hips would be weird.
3. So she must have set of hips with the panties permanently attached, and one that's bottomless, and you swap her legs onto them.
The biggest question is if they're going to sculpt anything on the bottomless hips where you'd expect it.
(As for whether or not she can replace Scarlet, that sort of depends on if that black circle between her shoulder blades in
>>8204599is a painted dot or a peghole. Her ankles don't seem to have joints that would make good wrists, but you could always just use the tank.