>>>10204009 Joytoy employee quickly assembled a few models and painted a single one they bought for reference for the back and sides of for their toys after humiliating himself that he knew nothing about WH40karm, tentacle, or head in the ground socket, shill. Give some context that they're even yours.
BTW, why should i even jump through the new hoop you just created if you're just going to deny the last hoop you created invalid because i proved i own many books and toys for the series? Pointless hoop jumping if you're going to continue denying pictures proving you're wrong exists
pic is alt angle proving you're full of shit again and need to deny exists, because everything you made up about Warhammer40k turned out to be a lie when defending Joytoy's poor efforts at making Space Marines their correct scale beacuse they're either being greedy or are as clueless as you.