>>7349600Step 8: It's satisfying sealing that cube off.
Step 11: It's enjoyable because if you have an imagination you can imagine that the bluebricks are the organs and the pink brick is the brain. This adds a weird kind of Frankinestine-esque nature to the building experience.
Step 13: Satisfying sealing off the top of the build.
Step 21: Using those snot pieces is enjoyable because they fit so neatly and cleanly.
Step 26: Satisfying because those gold parts, individually, are just that particular gold part, but when put together in this manner, they then are recognizable as the spine accoutrements of a dragon
Steps 35, 36, 37: Similar to above - it's a bit of a mish-mash of different pieces, until you then click the build into place and you suddenly can see it as the lower mandible/snout of a dragon.
Step 54: Satisfying building aesthetically pleasing klocki lamp-posts.