>>7736483Yes, you're trolling or just a retarded effort of defense, because you defend a company's cost cutting efforts by pointing toward another company as being bad somehow absolves shit efforts for your company as being good or whatever bullshit you're trying to push.
>If you painted a 7" figure to the same degree as, say, an 'Eavy Metal model and mass produced it,Missing the point, because you talk shit about slightly sloppy in 5% (that's how QC works) of painted figures for another brand and yet show me a model featuring a super gritty detailed 1" figure.
It's the complete opposite of how detailing works. Something bigger needs more detail like paint or it looks bad... like pic. Something like this would be passable if it was micro machine scale or smaller, but like this? awful.
>Because simplistic =/= badWhen you're paying over $40 and the subject matter is heavily detailed, guess what? It's bad. Maybe YOU like it, but it's certainly a rip off and a disservice toward the subject matter.
And again, you continue to ignore my point about the Black series shit and only want to twist shit around, because you have nothing to stand on.