>>7169661Even tho I'm fond of Brickheadz, anything would have been better than this year's seasonal.
>>7169465>>7169734I've been offered things for free, and even then I pass. My old LEGO has some UV discolouration, but mainly on only some the grey plates, and some individual pieces have issues. Bamboo leaves didn't hold up, for example. I generally took good care of mine, but my mom sometimes watched younger kids once I started school, and they had no respect for my things. Hence the occasional bite mark. Any missing pieces I do have are their fault (R.I.P. Scout Trooper head). My old bricks are things I'd use to fill up space in a structure like a mountain if I ever did a large MoC, and then use my preferred colour for the outer layer. Even after all I they've been through, like cross-country moves, my bricks are still in a lot better shape than the ones I've seen.