>>6050196not him but his enemies usually tower him, guyver I stands around 1.7 meters in the manga. i don't know how tall IIF is, though, i'm not even sure/can't remember if she's at the same age as him, she's probably older (and thus making her a bit taller) but that's me talking out of my ass and maybe max factory simply fucked up these two.
probably figma guyver III will end at the same size as her, which will make sort of scale with I, since guyver III is taller than I in both armor and human mode.
as for the paint, i don't know what the fuck happened on that pic, mine doesn't look that badly washed, maybe it's the lighting in my room that makes it not look that bad, or maybe with my constant posing the wash got rubbed off and dissapeared, or i'm going blind.
for the other problems, the sculpt suffered a simplification between mass production and preview pics (something that happens always but in varying degrees), the most notorious fuck up is the forehead, which is protuding, whereas the manga is slim. there this pic pic in the futaba thread that shows it, they are problably disccussing what happened with him (i remember seeing someone fixing it, though it requires slicing the whole upper head, which is too risky for me).
and the cherry on top that made people mad was the mega smasher: the preview pics on guyver I showcased that his titties were going to be painted with a shiny yellow with a bit of green, but the in final product it was with a transparent silver one.
mix that and you got pretty much the general consensus on the guyver figma, not so great reception, and is even hated by some anons here.
mind you, i still like him even after people pointed out these flaws, but i can see why they were dissapointed, even more when there's the old figures max factory made 10 years ago, which they cost an arm now, but they still look fucking great