>>8813996She's so pretty. I wasn't allowed to buy dolls back in 1999, but I bought her at the Disney store anyways when everyone was at Sears. I ran to the car, hid her in the trunk and smuggled her from the car trunk into my room at 2AM while everyone was asleep, and hid her mint in her box, because I knew we weren't ever going to see a Disney girl that showed that much skin ever again, much less get a doll of her ever again because her movie sucked. Now 22 years later I guess time has proven me right about them never making a new doll of her ever again or a Disney girl that showed that much skin. If they made her now as a Designer doll you can bet your immortal soul that they would redesign her sexy outfit like they did to the Designer Esméralda dress to cover up her midriff, legs and chest. I still have her in her original box to this day. Don't ask me how, but her light up necklaces still works when I press it.