>>6875548Absolutely was Contemplating that today it's Better Than JW Hasbro but about Equal to JPlll Hasbro as far as Paint apps if They wanted the Attack packs to be there version of the Small Kenner Dinos they Lack an Action feature, they are just basic figures the Roarivores are closer to the electronic dinosaurs Kenner did which was pretty simple on Kenners part not a lot of effort there but all Kenner JP.TLW Figs are the Top Tier of Dinosaur action figures and remain to be. Mattel is Still Much better Than JW Hasbro but anything would be Really, the entire line Was Pure CRAP. JP. MATTEL is at best Comparable to the First JP. Kenner Line not bad really but not excellent the Could have put more articulation in the Small figures or added an action feature as well strived for more movie accurate paint jobs and better detail and some sculpts could use improvement too. Over all im Happy with the Line and it's not without its catches some have been without a worth while JP line for so long they are willing to Claim that Mattel is Better than Kenner on the other hand some feel the Line is the Same as Hasbro's JW line Neither one is the case it's Good line with Good figures far from perfect but a far Cry from the Hasbro Disaster Called the JW Line. We Have a lot of Great Figures to Look forward to and I personally can't for them to Arrive so enough myself.