I have to say this is probably the most durable Enlighten set I've assembled to date, they tend to feel a bit flimsy but this one holds together quite well. It was originally $24 Cdn but they must've overstocked cuz they were all over the store and reduced to $19 giving a price/piece count of $0.03, probably the cheapest I've ever got heh. What ultimately sold me though were the riot shields, they're silly and neat at the same time.
I do have some minor criticisms, the squad car is kind of a ridiculous design, I really like the paddy wagon but its wheels rub against the wheel well parts above them, just enough to prevent the vehicle from rolling on its own. There's also a slight design flaw in the radar dish tower, the two small dishes were originally held in place with this part
http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?P=4070but the stud protrudes slightly making it a little wider on that side than a standard brick, which stresses the tower build. I swapped them out for a couple of these
http://alpha.bricklink.com/pages/clone/catalogitem.page?P=6541I'm baffled though why they didn't go with them to begin with as those same parts are used elsewhere in the set.