>>6593585>he was being serious but brought weak arguments that are subjective at bestThe old deluxe is based off the idw design, fair enough call, but (this is more an opinion) it had enough throwbacks to harken back to the g1 toy, would have helped if it was bigger, really should of ended up a skyshadow retool.
The TM however you're factually wrong about though, its straight up OC.
>Like a Scorponok who is just a head?Its not even a proper sized head but it has made me curious on how an actual titan sized scorponok would work, fort max has multiple body forms, last I seen (been ages mind you) scopronok has just TM mode to big head mode, not that I want hasbro to settle on what we currently have just saying, as for what you're saying yes its shit, its simply there to fill in a void
>Like a Nautica who is a purple Blurr with turbines? Retail box set, not a big loss if you count that as an exclusive
>Like an Arcee who looks like a linebacker?Limitation of being a blurr retool, but you're missing the point.
>aside from the pointless TM's the actual deluxes are more than a simple head swap, with the heads (or least their faces) are cleanly moldedSome of those old convention exclusives are nice but far too many suffer from melty face problems, that and they were priced stupidly, meanwhile hasbro's ones are PLANNED to be sold at retail at some point and are better priced.
I'm sorry but I could give less a shit about the con but what hasbro has done is better price things, locally I'll never get them because I'm not from freedom land but least off other vendors I'm not paying $100 for a FUCKING DELUXE.