>>5684661I feel like he jumped the gun too fast. The CW/TR stuff may not be as high budget as the best of the ROTF/2010 stuff, butt hat was really a freak occurrence. The CW/TR stuff is closer to what we've normally gotten from 2002-2006. Archer resigned around the time of the FoC stuff, which really did feel signifigantly downsized as far as deluxes, but the Voyagers weren't that bad. Now it feels like the budget has regulated; though it may be due to all the CW redecoes/remolds helping them break even better.
>>5684665I feel like he and his team made a lot of bad calls with the nostalgia-lines, but it was his teamt hat jumpstarted classics in the first place. People seem to forget or ignore that Classics exists because of hasbro. still under Archer all that stuff was secondary to media tie-in lines. Now it seems like RiD2015 is secondary to Generations.
>>5684673>Keep in mind that a lot of the "fun" he's talking about are the 1/3-step changers (which he had a large part in designing). So he might not be making the kind of "fun" you're thinking of.Archer came on as lead designer for Armada, which was made simpler in response to RiD 2001. A lot of those are effectively 3-step changers, but still feel like full Transformers, unlike the newer 1/3 steps.
I've actually let my 2 year old nephew have a lot of old armada/energon stuff, and I really wish modern simple stuff was designed like they where.They're robust, but simple, and they can be transformed with simple palm movements rather than delicate finger fiddling. I feel like you could automate a lot of those transformations and keep the articulation. I think a lot of later young child lines lost sight of that, and either became too fiddly and floppy(FAB) or too cheap feeling.The switch-n-go Dinos are the closest modern toys to that feel.