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Finally got my second Pennywise.
I left my first one in another country and can't return to get him during current lockdown so i really wanted another expressive clown.
1) really love his "grabby zombie-hands" and smiley head - this was the main reason of getting second Pennywise
2) BUT i must say that his neck is not as "expressive" as the first pennywise. Firs one could really do all kinds of neck/head positions due to neck being articulated freely all the way around. You could put sad head and lower the neck to the side making Penny look really disappointed, etc.
This pennywise don't has any the same freedom of neck articulation
3) I personally would really like something other than that child head.
4) the knee joint on my version refuse to move even after hair dryer and im really scared about that
5) my MAIN complain - sadly you can't really use previous pennywise heads with this one - their peg holes are way too big so head just falls off, but you can still use them for photos
Anyways so happy about this one. He shines with his smiley head and grabby hands