>>5336513>because nobody took them out of the box the market gets flooded with duplicates that gradually increase in price as the market for them shrinks due to age and obscurityNo shit, that's what i said in my post.
>Meanwhile Japanese companies makes small numbers of better quality items aimed at collectors that don't blow fucking dogs for quartersoh please, have you not seen our BST full of people selling their flavors of the month every month?
You're right that NONE of these lines are superior, but you're dumb if you think any collector is better than any other.
And you're missing the point that weeaboos are keeping their packaging enough to fill entire sides of their rooms. So they're no different than any collector, BUT unlike many western toys, the way it's packaged, you aren't destroying the cardboard and bubbles when taking the figure out. So some randomass Transformer is more likely to be worth more money mint in box, because 99.11119% of the kids and manchildren ripped the fuck out of the packaging to get the figure out.
But again, speculation is retarded, because there's no way of knowing which toy will ever go up in price to be worth keeping it around. If anyone knew, they'd be some richass reseller and not poorfag vendors at conventions or ebay selling shit just to make the rent for their shitty apartment.
The ONLY thing we do know is that a series has to be mainstay to retain resell value. And you also can't tell the future for that neither. So random flavor of the months are unlikely to ever go up in price aside from the initial flavor of the month selling out and until it's no longer flavor of the month
pic of fuckawesome toys that go for next to nothing.
These figures are before Japanese toy makers took a hint that articulation is good, so they're ahead of the curve. If you like mecha, you have to buy these because they're fucking dirt cheap. I own the rarer camo colored ones, but they're not worth shit either. Fun as fuck toys though.