And with that we have all 12 of our entries this time around, pretty solid turnout for a winter groupbuild I say. We got some really cool entries this time, and even our first Diorama! Contrats to everyone who participated!
Voting will be open from now until Saturday the 5th at Noon EST. Cast your votes now! as always, when one Groupbuild ends, another must begin anew. The themes returning from the previous poll are
>Nightmare (Build a MS encompassing things like corruption, symbiosis, horror, or organic mecha)>Heavy Artillery Groupbuild (Build a mecha that's armed to the teeth with artillery/cannon-based weaponry for long-ranged fire support (ie: Guncannon, Buster, Seravee, etc)>Stolen (Build a MS made by one faction, but change its aesthetics and style to its rival faction [ex. Zeon-themed Guntank, Federation-themed Gelgoog, Titans-themed Zeta])I'm omitting the Gundam Frame theme this vote (As well as any other "X Mobile Suit-focused" groupbuild ideas) since we just had two in a row, and I imagine people want to try something different this time. If interest is still there, you can suggest it next time.
If you have any other theme ideas, feel free to suggest them. I'll be collecting them from now until this saturday.